Vegan Vitamin D3 + K2 – NatureWise Skip to content

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Vegan Vitamin D3 + K2

$23.99 USD
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Clean Ingredients


  • Immune Health 
  • Calcium Absorption 
  • Bone Health 

Product Facts: 

  • Vegan  
  • Gluten free   
  • Non-GMO   
  • Extra virgin olive oil 
  • No artificial colors  
  • Serving size of 1 softgel  

 Vitamin D3 and K2 complement each other well, working together to support various physiological functions and promote overall health.* While their individual roles are distinct, they work in synergy in multiple ways, enhancing their collective effectiveness.   

Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, plays a role in calcium absorption and bone health.* It facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine, which is important for maintaining strong bones.* Additionally, it supports overall immune health.*  

Vitamin D3 is the most bioavailable form of vitamin D, which is like the one our bodies naturally produce in sunlight. Most D3 is sourced from animal products, but our supplement uses plant-based vitamin D3 from lichen to meet your dietary restrictions.*  

Conversely, vitamin K2, or menaquinone, is primarily recognized for its important role in heart health and calcium distribution in the body.* Vitamin K directs calcium to where it's needed, especially the bones.* Vitamin K also mostly comes from meat, eggs, and dairy but our product uses vegan vitamin K to fulfill your nutritional needs while staying plant-based. Vitamin K2 as MK-7 is the most bioavailable and absorption-friendly form of vitamin K.*  

Taking vitamin D3 and K2 together can be very effective for immune support and bone health.* Our Vitamin D3 + K2 supplement contains 5000IU of plant-based Vitamin D3 and 100mcg of vegan Vitamin K2 to give you an effective, yet safe dose of these two important nutrients.  

Furthermore, our softgels are made with extra virgin olive oil, a clean and healthy fat that increases the absorption of Vitamin D.* NatureWise Vitamin D3 + K2 softgels are made in veggie softgels with extra virgin olive oil to give you a completely vegan supplement. Pick NatureWise to support your bone health and immune health efficiently with clean, premium ingredients.* 


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